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You are here: Sandboxes > Sandbox Workspace > Export Diagrams and Connections

Export Diagrams and Connections

You can export the diagram and connections of a sandbox.

In this article:

Exporting Diagrams

This topic describes how to export a PDF file illustrating the diagram. This includes the resources, services and Apps in the diagram, as well as their connections.

To export a sandbox diagram:

  1. In CloudShell Portal, reserve the required blueprint.
  2. In the sandbox workspace, click the Sandboxmenu and select Export Diagram (pdf).
  3. Save the package zip file in the required location.

Exporting Connections

This topic describes how to export a CSV file of the connections between the resources, services and Apps in the diagram.

To export the connections file:

  1. In CloudShell Portal, reserve the required blueprint.
  2. In the sandbox workspace, click the Sandbox menu and click Export Conections (csv).
  3. Save the CSV file in the required location.