Deployment Guide

This help article applies to CloudShell 9.3. To see the latest, click here.


This architecture describes a QualiSystems certified automatic failover solution for all core components of the application, without a Single Point of Failure (SPOF). Alternative solutions are described in each respective article.



Quali App Server

Quali Server service - Windows Server Clustering (active/passive)

QuickSearch - Windows Server Clustering (active/active)

License server

Windows Server Clustering (active/standby)

Database Server

Windows Server Clustering (active/standby)

Web Server

Basic, performance setup: Windows ARR load balancing (active/active)

Advanced setup: Windows ARR load balancing (active/active)

Execution Server

Natively supported by CloudShell (active/active)

The following diagram depicts the main components of the CloudShell application for an advanced set up, as deployed in an end-to-end HA Plugin within which Web server, license server, execution server and Application server may be co-hosted on each node of the application cluster. Each component may failover independently without impacting the integrity and user experience of the end user.

Figure 1: CloudShell HA architecture - logical view